Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feist - "1234" (album: The Reminder)

The below video clip remains, in my humble opinion, the best version of Feist's most famous song. Of all the videos I've posted so far in this Mountie Rock blog effort - it's the one I hope you most take the time to watch.

Some people don't like it when small musical acts get exposure, blow up, avail themselves to a larger audience. I am not one of those people. Truth be told, The Reminder, was one of the best front to back albums I've heard in the last five years. It's so much more than the almost corny "1234" to include somber tracks like "So Sorry" and the song that will never make me walk through an airport the same way ever again - "My Moon My Man." The one thing I will say in detraction of Feist's popularity: it made me, for the first time ever, pay above face value to see a concert. I look forward to seeing her perform again and accept the face that it will probably be in a larger venue.

Leslie Feist earned her Mountie Rock credentials from her heavy involvement with, you guessed it, Broken Social Scene... And together with the last two women I've mentioned here (Amy Millan and Emily Haines) appears on Forgiveness Rock Record. In fact, all together on the same song, which I will feature in my next post.

Feist it up on Myspace ( and beyond (

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