Sunday, August 28, 2011

A kind message for anybody who ever visited

To the 5 people who generously clicked "follow" to read this blog:
Maybe you've noticed my posting slowed down drastically before coming to a dead stop a while ago.  There's a friend who also has a music-centric blog here on Blogspot (so what...) that I like because it looks like a Tumblr blog: Just post the video and forget it.  Instead of reformatting this blog, I want to take the fresh opportunity to no longer limit any posts to just "mountie rock."

Thank you in advance for anybody that checks out the new music blog: (RSS feed)
As already evidenced - there will still be a heavy Mountie Rock presence along with other newly named genres such as Beardy Folk, Great Barrier Beats and whatever Maude Lebowski would call "some sort of techno pop."

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