Saturday, September 11, 2010


I fell in love today, again.
While scanning the upcoming shows at Lincoln Hall, I saw the following:

A half hour later, especially after seeing her YouTube channel and other things like her Facebook and wiki-page, I'm convinced LIGHTS is on the verge of a mammoth breakout. I'm not sure if it'll be in what's left of 2010, but if I were to make a 2011 artists to watch list, she'd be at the top. (She's made me start a list in my mind, starting with her)

I think she'll breakout because:
  • She's unquestionably extremely attractive. Her above picture caught my eye and I wanted to learn more. Sadly, but truthfully, that's very key in our world.
  • She's working very hard and more smartly with the mediums available to her. It's a must today for artists to become as skillful with social networks as they are with musical instruments. It is not a wonder that her recent acoustic tour was a near insta-sell out with the communication she employs.
  • She's talented. In no way is she just a pretty face saying what others are writing for her.
  • She's diverse. Don't be tricked by some of her more bubblegum poppy hits. Especially displayed with the acoustic EP and supporting tour, her range is only beginning to be experienced by others. I expect this continued growth will reach out to more people and lead to her packing larger and larger venues.
  • She's dedicated. It's tough for me to make a snap judgment on this characteristic, seeing as I just found out about her today. But c'mon: who legally changes their name to Lights if they don't intend to be a force of performance for a lifetime?
  • Did I mention she was attractive? With also just the right amount of youth, edge and sexiness?
  • She likes Bjork and wants to work with her one day. (Okay, that's more a reason for just me to like her more, not so much a point that she'll breakout soon.)
Who's going to join me on the first Friday in November to see LIGHTS?

Just watch this clip she posted in the a month ago. She will convince you much better than I will.


VCK said...

She's already won a Juno and apparently had a #1 song in Canada, so she's already broken in out a sense. But super attractive? I mean, a little, but if you want to talk cute Canadian singers, I'd be more inclined in the Basia Bulat direction:

TQ said...

Very valid points.
I guess I mean she might have a Feist-scale 'iPod song' kind of a breakout in America. Or to say it better: people who don't follow music will know of her.

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